
Matteo Trivelli - Project Consulting - Healing & Reconnection

I am an independent researcher carrying out continuous exploration, study and research on humanity, nature, and divine.

Tao and I Ching

How the Oracle works. All the oracle are based on the same scheme. The Oracle’s response is not about the future, it is about the present. The system of opposites as a framework. The role of randomness: connecting to present. Destiny and free will. The question: asking from presence. Avoiding ambiguous and useless answers…

Contact me for more information, an appointment or proposals.

Matteo Trivelli - Project Consulting - Healing & Reconnection

Project Manager & Consultant aHealing & Reconnection Facilitator tIndependent Researcher…

Healing & Reconnection

Energy Healing, Reiki, Reconnective Healing, Personal Reconnection, Meditation, Grounding, Biodescodification, Oracle…

Project Consulting & Management