How the Oracles work

Posted 2024-02-24 in Researches by Matteo Trivelli

Delos - Oracle

This article is based on the study and research on the Oracle I Ching (from ancient China) and the Oracle consulted by the Augur through the birds flying described in the Iguvine Tablets (the only known complete description of a pre-christian liturgy survived in Europe, written by ancient pre-roman Italic Populations).

All the oracles are based on the same scheme: all the reality and all the possible changes in this space/time are described by system of opposites, that works as a framework to randomly select the answer to the question asked to the Oracle.

I Ching, The Book of Changes, is the only known complete Oracle from ancient times that has survived until the present. All the others oracles have lost, over the time, the original description of the framework and they are based mostly on the intuition of the interpreter for the interpretation of the answer obtained. I Ching, The Book of Changes, is the only known complete Oracle from ancient times that has survived until the present. It is at the same time an Holy Book (base of the Taoism, and probably more cults), a Wisdom Book, and an Oracle described in detail. The I Ching is the book that shapes the Tao. It is dated thousands of years B.C. and it has been written, studied and commented through centuries of layering of comments, research and interpretations made by wisemen and saints of all kind, including Confucius and Jung.

The complete description about how the Oracles work is in the article The Oracles explained as taught by the I Ching and the oldest traditions

The framework of the possible answers by an Oracle is a system of opposites

To describe all the reality and changes, the oracles use a framework that is divided in parts.  The framework is mathematically built as a system of opposites, then its parts will be always in a number that is divisible by two. The framework contains and describes anything is real and anything is changing.

The system of opposites is used because the duality of opposites is the simplest thing that is common to anything is real. It is always present in anything with both of the elements in different proportions. That’s the reason why the Oracle does not answer “yes” or “not”.

Whole line
Broken line

The I Ching represents the duality of opposites with the word “Yang“, the “positive” represented by a whole horizontal line, and the word “Yin“, the “negative” represented by a broken horizontal line.

The Tao

The symbol of the Tao represent the Yang and Yin in their interaction.

The framework used by the I Ching

The number 2 (the opposites present in anything real) raised to the power of 6 (the six dimensions of space and time) gives as result 64. This framework contains all the main mathematic relations and proportions, among the opposites, within the three dimensions of space and the three dimensions of time.

The parts of the framework of the I Ching are called “Signs”, and they represent 64 states present in all of reality.

Each sign, called also “hexagram”, is composed by 6 lines.

The lines are grouped in trigrams that are called “Symbols” and they are 8 in total.

The framework used by the I Ching is described in a very detailed way.

From the Yang-Yin line (state) to the 8 symbols.

The 64 signs formed by the combinations of the 8 symbols

The 64 signs formed by the combinations of the 8 symbols.

The response by the Oracle and the main law of changes

When one of the two opposite elements reaches its maximum, it transforms in its opposite, that’s the way the two opposite elements interact each other that is described by the main law of changes. In the I Ching this is represented by a mutant line.

The answer will be 1 or 2 signs of the 64 signs. It can be 1 or 2 signs depending if the answer obtained describes some specific changes or not.

The response by the Oracle is always correct as any of the signs would result, it will always describe a part of the reality.

Example answer with mutant lines

Example of a response by I Ching, containing mutant lines.

The Oracle does not give an answer about the future, it is about the present

Destiny and free will

The Oracle is a tool for humans that helps to interpret the reality and the changes that are taking place in the present situation.

The “good answer” is the one which gives us an insight about the present situation and what is changing in it, giving new perspectives from where the petitioner can take decisions and use the free will to be in harmony with destiny or to change it.

It describes the situation has it is, with its implicit consequences. It can also describe what is specifically changing in the present situation, and so to which other situation would tend to transform.

Oracle - I Ching

The role of randomness in the Oracle: connecting to present


The Oracle is consulted through a method which uses randomness to obtain the answer. This because randomness connects to the present and only in the present we can observe the reality as it is and take real decisions.

Using randomness at the same time that we make the question ensures that we obtain the useful answer for the present situation.


The randomness used has to be mathematically coherent with the framework used. This means that it has to be a method that gives the same probability to result to all the single parts that compose the framework.

The randomness used by the I Ching

The response extraction methods used by the I Ching involve random extractions of the hexagrams line by line.

The most common method involves tossing three identical coins. A series of 6 launches is then carried out obtaining the value for each of the six lines.

How to formulate the question to the Oracle: asking from presence

Avoiding ambiguous and useless answers


It is important to formulate the question in a specific way that is compatible with an answer obtained inside a framework of opposites. Most of all  the question has to be asked from presence, which is the only real dimension of life and the only one that connect us to our consciousness and our essence. Also the answer has to be listened from presence.

When we make the right question at the right moment, we make the right question for the present situation, and we obtain the right answer for us in the present situation.

The complete description about how the Oracles work is in the article The Oracles explained as taught by the I Ching and the oldest traditions


I Ching, Il Libro dei Mutamenti. Traduzione di Bruno Veneziani, A.G. Ferrara. A cura di Richard Wilhelm, Ruggero Consorti. Prefazione di C.G. Jung. Gli Adelphi, 80, 1995, 29ª ediz., pp. 727, isbn: 9788845911309

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Tao and I Ching

How the Oracle works. All the oracle are based on the same scheme. The Oracle’s response is not about the future, it is about the present. The system of opposites as a framework. The role of randomness: connecting to present. Destiny and free will. The question: asking from presence. Avoiding ambiguous and useless answers…

Delos - Oracle

Oracle consulting as taught by the oldest traditions arrived up to our times. How the Oracle works. The Oracle does not give an answer about the future, it is about the present. Destiny and free will. The role of randomness: connecting to present. The question: asking from presence. Avoiding ambiguous and useless answers…

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